At KB Creative, your job is in the hands of senior communications practitioners who have extensive experience in all aspects of  communications planning, operational communications and resource creation. We have the capacity, skills and experience to handle major, multifaceted communications, design or publishing projects in-house: content, design and video production.

We offer an integrated service, which allow jobs to be managed seamlessly from initial brief through to final delivery. This is much more convenient, efficient and cost-effective for those who work with us.

Here are some brief bios of our key team members.

Michael Fitzsimons – Strategic Planner , Project Manager, Writer

mike at Lyall Bay

Michael Fitzsimons is a specialist in both strategic and operational communications. He has worked with a wide range of clients to develop communications strategies and resources that bring ideas to life.  He was awarded a Gold Quill for excellence in business communication by the International Association of Business Communicators. He is a versatile writer and editor with extensive experience in publishing and resource development. He was a director of FitzBeck Creative, a Wellington-based communications, design and publishing company for more than 20 years.  FitzBeck’s books include the highly successful NZ Book and Wellington Book which was a finalist in the Wellington Gold Awards.

With Nigel Beckford, he has co-written and published many publications, including illustrated histories of Maori and Pacific doctors and medical students.  He has also written a history of St Patrick’s College, Wellington, Sectare Fidem. He has also provided communications support for a wide range of charitable and not for profit organisations.

Michael is a published poet and his interests include hiking, biking, wine-tasting and stage 1 cooking.

Nigel Beckford – Content Producer, Project Manager, Writer

Health and safety in the shearing industry project for NZSCA and Fitzbeck. Photo by Mark Coote/

Nigel has worked in  communications and content creation for many years. He is experienced at all facets of planning, video making, design and publishing.  He has overseen the production of numerous reports, publications, DVDs, websites, print materials and road shows. Nigel has written extensively about many aspects of New Zealand’s education and health sectors. He has co-authored three books on Pacific health and many publications exploring innovations and issues in education, career development and training. He is the co-author of the following best-selling books with Mike Fitzsimons: With A Passion, the Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary New Zealanders, You Don’t A Big Leap Without A Gulp: Finding The Courage to Change Careers and Live Again, The Wellington Book and The New Zealand Book. Nigel has won an International Gold Quill and a Kiwi Gold Quill for his business writing from the International Association of Business Communicators in San Francisco. In 2011 and 2012, he won a BEST award from the Design Institute of NZ for art direction. In 2013, he was a finalist in the Wellington Creative Gold awards for publishing.In 2014, with Michael Fitzsimons, he won the non-fiction section of the Maori Book Awards for a book on the history and evolution of the Maori health sector Te Paruhi a nga Takuta, featuring NZ’s most distinguished Maori health professionals.

Since 2016 he has been providing communications advice, planning and content creation for a range of rural wellbeing initiatives designed to improve the safety and productivity of the rural sector. He has directed and produced over 100 training and promotional video clips for use on web and mobile phone. Check out

In his spare time, Nigel is a prolific songwriter and arts event organiser. He also plays soccer.

Milton Bell – Designer

Milton has many years’ experience in branding, advertising and graphic design and has worked extensively on design projects for a wide range of industries and government agencies such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Education Review Office, the Health Quality  and Safety Commission, NZQA and Ako Aotearoa.  He has a reputation for design creativity and conscientious service delivery. Milton has tribal affiliations with Ngapuhi Nui and Te Atiawa and is highly experienced at creating publications and resources for Maori audiences and stakeholders.  Milton is very experienced in all aspects of graphic design – identities, infographics, book and brochure design, and advertising.

Milton is also a talented writer, extremely tech savvy and possesses a vast general knowledge.

Wil McDonald – Web Design and Multimedia Production

Wil is a web and multimedia specialist with more than 10 years’ experience here and in the UK.  He is experienced in all facets of web design and development, including interactivity and social networking tools and animation.  Wil has created many specialised websites with tailored functionality to meet clients’ requirements, and he provides very practical hands-on training to ensure that clients can update their own sites with confidence. Recently he has worked on websites for the Ministry of Education’s Youth Guarantee initiative, and its Shaping Education website which provides regular post-earthquake updates for the Christchurch education sector. He contributes to the updating and evolution of a large number of websites creating everything from e-commerce and conference registration facilities to interactive quizzes. When he’s not working, Wil is busy taming some of Wellington’s wild rural landscape into a site for his future family home.